Research and Development Credits – Good News for SMEs

My reaction when company due diligence of a takeover target uncovers the application of R&D tax credits by the target, is typically one of wondering what is going to happen next and how big an issue it is going to be. All too often I see the news met by the knowing and weary shaking of accountancy and tax heads, …

Contract Translations (A Rose by any other name….)

Next time you are negotiating a contract with a business based in a country where English is not the first language, always try to put language in there which makes clear that the language of the Agreement is English and that in the event of any conflict between the English version and a translation, the English version will take precedence. …

Privacy By Design

I was surprised the other day to receive a notification from one of the Mac user forums, that there was a new app, which they recommended for internet security. I wondered at first how it would be different from the Norton security package, which I use today for my office systems. When I looked into it a bit more, I …

Reasonable Indemnities (Hmmph)

Indemnities (like industrial strength cleaners) have their place in the world, but (also like industrial strength cleaners), they should not be over-used and they should not be used in the wrong places. I have lost count over the years of the number of times a client has reviewed a contract before me, and failed to strike through language requiring them …

5G Collaboration – Who Benefits?

Many of us have only just got used to 4G but discussions have already started about how to harmonise the next generation of telecommunications standards (5G) to connect billions of devices wirelessly and using fibre optic technology for enhanced speed and reliability. The European Union and China have signed a co-operation accord to collaborate in the development and roll out …

When does an Engagement become an Employment for Tax Purposes?

We often get questions from clients about how they can protect their consultancy business from being made subject to IR35 Rules in relation to particular engagements. There are some general factors, which will always help the decision come down against a company being treated as a “personal services company” for tax purposes. These include factors such as: (a) being able …

Damages for Late Payment of Insurance Claims

The Enterprise Bill 2015-16 adds two new sections 13A and 16A to the Insurance Act 2015, which have which are proving rather controversial in some quarters in the insurance industry. Section 13A if it becomes law, will require insurers to pay insurance claims within a reasonable time, and to pay contractual damages to their insured if they do not do …

Consumer Rights Act 2015

The key provisions of the new Consumer Rights Act 2015 came into force on 1st October 2015. The Act clarifies a consumer’s rights when goods or digital content do not do what they said on the tin that they would do, or when services have not been provided with reasonable care and skill. It also sets out the new requirement …

Safe Harbour Not so Safe

Under the terms of the European Privacy Directive 95/46EC (and in the UK, the Data Protection Act 1998), European based data controllers are prohibited from transferring personal data outside of the European Economic Area, to associated companies or third parties, unless the non-EEA country adequately protects personal data and the rights of personal data subjects. The only countries, which have …