Russian Data on Russian Servers – Yikes it’s the Law

Despite vociferous international protests to Roscomnadzor, the Russian data protection authority, the law requiring the data of Russian citizens to be stored on Russian servers became law on 1st September 2015. There has still been no official clarification on whether the law requires that no data of Russian citizens can be stored outside of Russia or whether it is merely …

Net Neutrality – What does it mean?

Net neutrality is the principle that “all data is created equal”, and that there should be no scope for internet service providers to process different sorts of data according to different rules based on (for instance) the amount of bandwidth the application consumes or whether or not the originating content provider has paid extra money for its data to be …

Virtual In-House Legal Service for Technology Clients

Following the addition of a further technology law specialist to our team, we are in a position to take on a limited number of new clients for our very popular “virtual in-house legal service” for technology businesses. This service works a bit like a mobile phone contract. The client contracts for a particular level of service for a minimum of …

Russian Data on Russian Servers

Time is running out for companies doing business in Russia to ensure that the data of Russian citizens and organisations is stored on servers located in Russia. The date for compliance is 1st September 2015. Whilst the wording of the law is not entirely clear, foreign operators are taking the position that compliance can be achieved by mirroring Russian specific …

Ad Blocking

Ad blocking software is becoming increasingly big business, promising to suppress sales advertisements and give subscribers a less irritating surfing experience. What may be less obvious is that a key income stream associated with software of this type is the money which advertisers are prepared to pay to make sure that their adverts are not the ones which are blocked. …

Ofcom Press Release – 12th August

Ofcom has launched a six-month initiative to check the compliance of communications providers with General Conditions 15.1 through 15.9 of the Ofcom General Conditions of Entitlement, relating to the availability of communications services to members of the public with disabilities, and in particular the obligations on communications providers to publicise information about their services to disabled consumers in an easily …