Sometimes for reasons beyond anyone’s control there can be issues with an investment. Our property dispute solicitors have experience not only in property law but construction law as well and are therefore well placed to skilfully steer you through the dispute resolution process.
Our approach is always client led. We aim through effective property and construction dispute resolution to quickly and efficiently handle any issues.
Not only are our construction and property lawyers experts in dispute resolution law but recognise that resolution can be achieved simply by clearing up ambiguities in documents through to negotiation, discussion and only where necessary legal action. We are able to hand pick a team that is suited to any particular circumstance to get the best and swiftest result possible.
Our team of highly experienced solicitors is specialised in property & construction dispute resolution. Contact our dedicated team today if you have any legal question regarding dispute resolution law or would simply like to learn more about the legal services we provide.
Corinne Vincent
Head of Property & Construction Law